From School
Except the first project, these web sites are fictitious and related to assignments while a student of the Web Technologies program at John Abbott College, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, from January 2010 to February 2011.
Feel free to download my cv in PDF, view my LinkedIn profile or e-mail me.
Web Page Publishing
Also doubling as an up-to-date version of my curriculum vitae, this course's final project requirements set-out to prove understanding various concepts:
- Navigation among various pages using links.
- Navigation to various sections of a page using links as bookmarks.
- CSS Image Replacement Technology for users that elect not to show images. This was met by the artwork and underlying code in the banner at the top.
- Employing minimum and maximum widths, along with other code, for a flexible lay-out.
- Implementation of a third party plug-in to enhance the user's viewing experience. Met this requirement by using jQuery tabs found under the section Employment History.
- Code lay-out and appearance using CSS to improve a standard form. (The form in this portfolio example does not function.)
Web Design – Photoshop
Assignments in this course focused on the mechanics of creating various types of graphical components that go into design and programming web site.
Fundamentals of Design
Afer exposure to concepts such as:
- lay-out and the Rule of Thirds
- typography
- exercises of idea formulation using Mood Boards
The final assignment was to pick an example from css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design and derive a new example inspired by the example chosen.
The only modification to the example's source code was for the injection of the CSS file created to render the inspired look and feel.
The requirements of this project were to demonstrate knowledge of Dreamweaver and employing these features to create a web application:
- log-ins and areas restricted to logged-in users
- submitting queries to insert, retrieve, edit and delete data
- pagination of multiple results returned from a database query
There are other projects in my portfolio that demonstrate skills in dynamic PHP/MySQL programming but they all entail log-ins and are secure. This example is the singular example which has a general public access component.
Web Page Dynamics
This course focused on topics such as:
- making web sites accessibile for users with different types of disabilities
- employing AJAX to provide seamless changes to a page without reloading the entire page in the web browser
- building and integrating (RSS) feeds to a site
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to make web sites rise in search engine rankings
The final project demonstrates these technologies taught during the course.
From Internship
Ateret Haim
A Jewish spiritual congregation, Ateret Haim is seeking to expand its horizons for members outside of Israel.
Skills acquired this project:
- Since the content is written in Hebrew, creating right-to-left language web sites.
- Integratiom of AJAX for loading of large-scale images from an album's thumbnail
The site was incomplete by the end of internship due to lack of content provided by the congregation.
Allied Dynamics
A company which offers OEM parts for gas turbine engines, the Allied Dynamics project was part of the company's overall plan to expand markets right across North America.
Skills acquired this project:
- Use of Dreamweaver for its template capabilities of a static web site.
This site was launched mid-December 2010.
Cosmoprof North America News Flash
Cosmoprof is a leading industry association for the beauty industry. As a run-up to the North America convention which takes place in July/August, organisers opted to set-up a blog. Editors and others from both online and traditional media will be invited as weekly guest bloggers.
Skills acquired this project:
- Use of Geeklog, a small yet very nimble Content Management System.
This site was launched in mid-January 2011.